
The following clinics are all by appointment:

  • Antenatal Clinic– Tuesday afternoon with the midwife 
  • Blood Pressure Check– with the nurse 
  • Childhood Immunisations– Wednesday afternoon with the nurse.
  • COPD Check– with the nurse 
  • Counselling– by appointment
  • Diabetic Chiropody– by appointment
  • Diabetic Check– with the nurse
  • Fit for Health– after discussion with doctor or nurse.
  • Family Planning– full contraceptive care and advice is offered by appointment with a nurse.
  • Phlebotomy (Blood Test) - by appointment with HCA. Certain bloods need to be taken before 10:30 (i.e. pre-chemotherapy and warfarin).
  • Minor Surgery- Some doctors carry out regular clinics for minor surgery.  If your doctor agrees that you require minor surgery you will be offered an appointment at one of these clinics.

Travel Vaccinations

The Practice no longer offers travel risk assessments

We will only give the following vaccinations which are available on the NHS; Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Tetanus & Cholera 

Please make sure you have had a full travel risk assessment at a travel clinic before attending the surgery for any NHS vaccinations.


Non-NHS Services

Some services provided are not covered under our contract with the NHS and therefore attract charges.